5 Essentials Survey

We would like your feedback about Prairie View Grade School. All parents are invited to participate in the parent supplement survey of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey beginning on December 4, 2019. The survey will be open through December 20, 2019. This survey gives feedback in five key areas.  In addition, this feedback is an important indicator on the Illinois Report Card in which we received Commendable this past school year.


We need at least 20 percent participation of parents to respond to the survey.  While the parent data will not be made public, the parent report will enable us to make considerations based on the response given.  District 301 administers this survey annually in order to determine trends that can be used for school improvement practices.


Please consider supporting our continual improvement efforts by logging onto https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/  from December 4th through 20th, 2019 and completing the survey for Prairie View Grade School.